Environmental Responsibility
Recent initiatives to reduce waste, curb our reliance on single use plastics and decrease energy use have been really simple to introduce but have tangible benefits.
RISQS Verified Status Renewed With Best Practices
Anti Graffiti Systems Ltd (trading as AGS One) has successfully completed the annual RISQS (Railway Industry Supplier Qualification Scheme) audit, and with two best practices for fatigue management and for mental health.
AGS In Top 5% Companies For EcoVadis Award
We have recently achieved the Gold Award for sustainability and corporate and social responsibility through EcoVadis, upgraded from last year’s Bronze award. Not only that, but this year, we were in the top 5% of companies assessed by this initiative.
AGS Pest Wins Arun District Council Contract
Working in partnership with Arun DC, our officers provide a comprehensive pest control service at competitive prices for local residents and businesses.
AGS Wins LSER Contract
In March 2021, we won a new contract with LSER (London & South Eastern Railway) against strong competition at tender stage.
ISO Certifications Renewed
We have successfully renewed our ISO 9001 Management System and ISO 14001 Environment Management certifications this month, following an audit to show that we are compliant with the requirements of the ISO 9001 and 14001 standards.
These certifications recognise our commitment to our current and prospective stakeholders.
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